Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a's Constitution sets out the purpose of the organisation and the rules governing its management. The latest version of the Constitution was approved at the 2018 AGM.
Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a treats your privacy rights seriously. This policy deals with your 'personal information', that is, information that could identify, or is related to the identity of, you as an individual.
This policy details how Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a will gather, store and manage personal information in line with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation.
Temporary membership is available for non-members who wish to take part in an activity or event at Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a.
This Guidance document is intended to be of assistance to anyone who leads a group or organises an activity for Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a.