Our Core Meetings are held on the afternoon of the 1st Monday of each month, at Solihull Indoor Bowls Club, and last just under 2 hours. For details, see our Core Meetings page.
Solihull Blossomfield u3a was formed in 2000 and was the third u3a group to open within Solihull. It was an off-shoot of the Arden group which at that time had no vacancies. Our group initially had 32 members and met at the Methodist Church in Solihull. As the membership increased it outgrew the facilities at the Methodist Church. In 2004, the group moved to Solihull Indoor Bowls Club in Brick Kiln Lane which continues to be our home. Membership now stands at around 130.
Our Core Meetings are held on the afternoon of the 1st Monday of each month, at Solihull Indoor Bowls Club, and last just under 2 hours. For details, see our Core Meetings page.
There are a number of interest groups led by the members. Groups range from small groups meeting in members' houses to larger groups using meeting rooms, visiting places of interest, or going on walks. For details, see
Our Groups page.
We are a very friendly, informal group. To ensure the group is run well, and in the interests of our members, we have a Constitution (aligned to the national u3a) and a few policies in place. For details, see our
Governance & Policies page.
Blossomfield (Solihull) u3a welcomes new members. Membership costs just £30 per year (Note: there is a 50% discount off your first-year subscription if you join after June 30th)
Any questions? Please contact the Membership Secretary, Mike Moss, at: